Auto accidents can happen at any time, causing potential catastrophic and life-changing injuries as well as property damage. They can also bring with them the hassle of dealing with insurance companies that resist paying a full and fair settlement for your medical bills and other costs. That's where we come in.
If you or a loved one has been harmed in an auto accident due to someone else's negligence, it is critical that you understand your rights, including your right to financial compensation for your injuries and losses. At Liss, Shapero & Mitnick, we take great pride in our commitment to excellence and client service throughout the State of Michigan and Illinois.
We can help you get what you deserve and protect your interests. Call 248-584-1300 Toll Free 1-855-LISS-LAWfor a free consultation today.
Pursuing Full Compensation For Your Injury Claim
Car accidents are not one-size-fits-all. The circumstances of your accident and the nature and extent of your injuries will dictate the strategy your lawyer will take to get you all the compensation you deserve. Our experienced Metro Detroit car accident lawyers handle a wide variety of motor vehicle accident claims, including cases related to:
- Commercial vehicle accidents
- Motorcycle accidents
- Pedestrian/bicycle accidents
- Distracted driving and drunk driving
- Uninsured and underinsured coverage
- No-fault insurance benefits
- How To Deal With Your Insurance Company
- What To Do After A Car Accident
- Recovering Lost Wages After A Car Accident
- Paying Medical Bills After A Car Accident
- Common Car Accident Injuries
We make sure to get a full accounting of your injuries, so that we can pursue full compensation for your current and future costs related to:
- Medical expenses
- Rehabilitation costs
- Pain and suffering
- Lost wages
As experienced car accident lawyers, we understand that there may be several avenues of compensation available to you, depending on the details of your accident. Don't assume that one denied insurance claim is the end of the story.
If you have been hurt in an accident, you need to seek help. You do not need to be afraid of missing work or dealing with insurance companies. We will make sure all of your issues are handled properly and efficiently so you can make a full recovery and get back to living your life.
We Fight For You In Or Out Of The Court
Our Berkley attorneys are skilled negotiators, but also have tremendous trial experience. If going to court is in your best interest, we will be your fiercest advocates. Above all, we will put your rights first and do everything we can do to make a difference in your life when you need it most.
To learn more about how we can help you, Contact us today for a free initial consultation. When you hire us to represent you in any personal injury matter, there is no fee unless we recover compensation for you.
Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Serving The State of Michigan

Motorcyclists Are Especially Vulnerable To Negligent Drivers
Motorcycle accidents are grisly, often resulting in life-altering injuries such as brain injuries and spinal cord injuries. These injuries leave motorcyclists facing months, even years, of rehabilitation after undergoing emergency medical treatment that results in a pile of unpaid medical bills. If you've been in a motorcycle accident, the person who caused those injuries is the one who should be paying those bills, not you.
If you or your loved one is going through tough times after a motorcycle accident, you need to seek justice. At Liss, Shapero & Mitnick, our attorneys provide strong advocacy and one-on-one personal service for the victims of motorcycle accidents in Metro Detroit and throughout Michigan. Call 248-584-1300 or toll free1-855-LISS-LAW for a free initial consultation with our Oakland County motorcycle accident lawyers.
Seeking Full Compensation For Serious And Fatal Motorcycle Crashes
Because motorcycle accidents can cause such catastrophic injuries, it is especially important that you work with a lawyer who will be relentless in pursuing the maximum compensation for what you've been through. This applies not only to bills you face now, but also to potential long-term costs related to rehabilitation or disability.
Our attorneys do their due diligence to get a clear understanding about what kind of support and resources you will need after your accident. This includes costs related to:
- Medical bills
- Pain and suffering
- Rehabilitation
- Lost wages
- Disability
There are many ways to obtain compensation after a motorcycle accident, including obtaining no-fault benefits through your own policy and pursuing a personal injury claim against the party responsible for the accident. It is important not to accept an offer from an insurance company until you speak with a lawyer who has experience with these types of cases. Initial offers from insurance companies are usually low, and are intended to tempt you at a time when you might seem to need the money most urgently. Don't fall for it. Talk to us first.
Get A Strong Advocate On Your Side
At Liss, Shapero & Mitnick, we put our negotiation and litigation skills to work for our clients in order to achieve verdicts and settlements that cover present and future costs, including the costs of vocational training, home modifications and in-home care that are needed due to motorcycle accident injuries.
contact us today to learn more about our practice and how we can help you get the compensation your loved one deserves. We are confident that our expertise in personal injury law can make a difference when you need it most.
Pedestrian / Bicycle Accidents
Pedestrian And Bike Accidents

Did A Car Hit You While You Were Biking Or Walking? We Can Help.
Accidents involving motor vehicles are not always car-on-car collisions on the highway. Unfortunately, cars also sometimes hit people who don't have the protection of a vehicle: bikers or walkers. These accidents can happen anywhere at any time. They can even happen in crosswalks, shoulders and sidewalks, and they can cause massive injuries for the person who was hit. If you or a loved one was injured while riding a bicycle or while walking, you need the advice of an experienced personal injury attorney to help get you the compensation you require to help you recover.
At Liss, Shapero & Mitnick, we take great pride in providing outstanding results to injury victims in Metro Detroit and throughout Michigan. Unlike the insurance companies, we will put your rights first. Call 248-584-1300 or toll free1-855-LISS-LAW for a free initial consultation with our Oakland County pedestrian accident lawyers.
Get Help Paying For Your Injuries And Losses
Drivers often don't see pedestrians or bicycles — sometimes because pedestrians and cyclists are smaller than cars, and sometimes because drivers aren't expecting them. This does not excuse the driver when an accident happens, however.
If you're a biker or pedestrian who has been hit by a car, you can count on us to obtain the full compensation to which you are entitled. This includes compensation to help pay for:
- Medical expenses
- Pain and suffering
- Lost wages
We can seek compensation from a number of sources, including:
- The driver's insurance policy
- Your own car insurance policy
- No-fault benefits
- Potentially negligent property owners
- Other third parties who may bear partial responsibility (for example, the car manufacturer)
You Focus On Healing: We Focus On Fighting
Our attorneys take great care to get a clear picture of your injuries before we proceed with your claim. We want to make sure that we ask for the full amount that you need to recover from your injuries while not having to worry about losing money from missed work.
Even if it turns out that you as the cyclist or pedestrian bear responsibility for the accident, we can still find avenues of compensation to help you on the road to recovery. You've already been knocked down by a more powerful adversary; don't let the driver's insurance company bully you into accepting less compensation than you deserve. Talk to us first.
Call An Experienced Pedestrian And Bike Accident Lawyer Today
To learn more about how we can help you recover after a pedestrian or bicycle accident, contact us today for a free consultation.
Uninsured & Underinsured
Lawyers For Uninsured Motorist Coverage Serving The State of Michigan

Despite being required by law, not all drivers carry auto insurance. And among those who do, some fail to carry enough insurance to cover the damages they cause in an accident. If you have been hurt by an uninsured driver or a driver without enough insurance, it is in your best interest to speak to an experienced personal injury lawyer about your options.
At Liss, Shapero & Mitnick of Metro Detroit, we treat our clients as family, working as a team to make sure they get the best possible outcome to their situation after an accident. Call 248-584-1300 or toll free1-855-LISS-LAW for a free consultation with our uninsured and underinsured driver claim attorneys, serving the metro Detroit area.
How Your Insurance Can Help
If you're the victim of an accident caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver, you may be able to turn to your own auto insurance policy for help recovering costs related to your injuries.
- Uninsured And Underinsured Coverage. Uninsured coverage comes into play when someone is involved in an accident with someone who does not have insurance. This is a supplement to auto insurance that covers pain and suffering after an accident. Underinsured coverage provides accident victims with insurance over and above what the at-fault driver's auto insurance policy provides.
- Hit-And-Run Injury Representation. If a driver hits you and then speeds away, you may think that your chances of getting compensated have disappeared along with that driver's tail lights. But being hurt by a hit-and-run driver does not mean you have nowhere to turn for help for covering the costs of your injuries and other damages. You can seek assistance through uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage, or the no-fault benefitsthat are part of your own auto insurance policy.
What If I Don't Have Uninsured/Underinsured Coverage?
If you are injured by an uninsured or underinsured motorist and you max out your own no-fault insurance policy, you will likely need to file a lawsuit against the other driver to try to recoup costs associated with your injuries. Obviously, in a hit-and-run accident where the driver is unknown, this may not be possible. Additionally, a person who doesn't carry car insurance is not likely to have the money to pay your costs. That's why it's so essential for drivers to carry uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance. In any case, if you've been hurt by an uninsured or underinsured driver, it's essential to consult with a lawyer experienced in this area to find out your options.
Contact An Attorney For Uninsured Motorist Coverage
To learn more about how we can help you, contact us today for a free initial consultation. When you hire us to represent you in any personal injury matter, there is no fee unless we recover compensation for you.
No-Fault Insurance Benefits
No Fault Insurance Benefits Southfield lawyer

Don't Wait To Get Paid After An Injury
Whether you have been hurt in a car accident, were hit by a car while riding your bicycle or were struck by a falling telephone pole while changing a tire, you do not have to wait at the mercy of a murky claims process to get the benefits you need to cover your medical bills. The no-fault insurance policy that you are required to carry in Michigan will provide you with insurance benefits for your expenses after an accident in the State of Michigan.
Call 248-584-1300 or toll free 1-855-LISS-LAW for a free initial consultation with the Metro Detroit area no-fault insurance benefits attorneys at Liss, Shapero & Mitnick.
No-Fault Benefits Are Not Optional
Drivers are required to carry no-fault insurance policies, and insurance companies are obligated to provide benefits after an accident, regardless of fault or contributory negligence. Even if you do not own a car, you are still entitled to no-fault insurance benefits if you are injured in an incident involving any sort of motor vehicle, including cars, trucks, motorcycles, buses and boats. At Liss, Shapero & Mitnick, we can make sure you understand your rights to no-fault insurance benefits and other compensation for damages such as:
- Medical bills
- Pain and suffering
- Lost wages
Is your insurance company denying its responsibility to provide benefits? We can help you resolve your insurance dispute. We are committed to client service and are well-respected among our peers in the legal community.
If your automobile accident happened while you were in the course of your employment, notify your employer and make a workman's compensation claim, which will cover your medical bills and a portion of your lost wages. Any excess wage loss over workman's compensation may be claimed against the No Fault insurer.
What Does No-Fault Insurance Cover?
In addition to giving you the immediate injury compensation coverage you need after an accident, no-fault insurance benefits also provide compensation to cover your lost wages. This is critical, as many injury victims are unable to work for weeks or months following a serious accident.
IMMEDIATELY notify the appropriate auto insurance company of your injury, get your CLAIM NUMBER and NO FAULT APPLICATION, fill in the APPLICATION, keep a copy for yourself and return the original to the insurance company.
You are entitled to:
- LIFETIME payment of auto related MEDICAL EXPENSES which may be excess over your primary medical insurance
- LIFETIME MILEAGE reimbursement to and from your home to medical facilities related to your accident injuries
- 85% of your before tax WAGES LOST within the first 3 years of your accident, and
- $20 per day HOUSEHOLD HELP performed by another due to your injury with in the first 3 years of your accident
If the No-Fault insurer does not pay each day of medical expense, mileage, lost wages and household help, you have one year in which to file a lawsuit to collect that money.
Don't Wait To File A Claim
If you are injured in an accident, you have one year from the date of your accident to file your no-fault insurance claim and all the associated paperwork. If you wait beyond the one-year period, your claim will be denied. Our experienced no-fault insurance attorneys can make sure you file your claim in a complete and timely manner to help ensure you get the maximum possible settlement for your injuries in a timely manner.
Contact A Southfield Lawyer Who Will Put Your Rights First
With more than 80 years of experience and a dedication to providing client service, you can rely on our team of lawyers to make sure you get what you need during a difficult time. Contact us or call 248-584-1300 or toll free1-855-LISS-LAW for a free initial consultation with the Oakland County no-fault insurance benefits attorneys at Liss, Shapero & Mitnick.
How To Deal With Your Insurance Company
How To Deal With Your Insurance Company

Under Michigan's no-fault insurance law, you can be compensated for costs related to injuries sustained in a car accident without having to go through the court system to sue the negligent driver. No-fault insurance is required in Michigan, and can save you the hassle of a lawsuit when you need money to pay your bills and stay afloat.
File Your Claim ASAP
There is a strict one-year time limit during which you may file a no-fault claim after being injured in a car accident in Oakland County. If you delay filing your claim more than a year after your accident, you will no longer be eligible to collect this benefit, which can be enormously helpful for your security during your recovery. Don't be put off by the paperwork involved in filing a claim. One of our knowledgeable attorneys at Liss, Shapero & Mitnick can show you how to deal with your insurance company, making sure you file your application and all necessary forms completely and in a timely manner, and helping you deal with any claim disputes that may arise. Contact us at 248-584-1300 or toll free1-855-LISS-LAW for a free initial consultation.
Providing The Right Documentation
In order to receive no-fault benefits, you will have to provide documentation detailing your injuries, as well as your income at your last job before your accident. If you are unemployed, use the income from the most recent job you held before your accident. You may need to see more than one doctor to get a full accounting of your injuries and prognosis. A doctor or doctors will need to provide verification of your injuries, as well as an estimate for how long you will be unable to work. To show your previous income, you will need to provide pay stubs, your most recent W2, or you may be required to provide an income verification form from your employer.
What No-Fault Insurance Covers
If you are approved, your no-fault insurance will provide the costs you need to recover from your injuries. These include:
- Medical expenses, comprising doctor's bills, hospital stays, surgery, rehabilitation and other costs
- Lost wagesat a rate of 85 of your previous salary (up to a specified amount) for a period of up to three years
- Replacement costs, which cover the expense of daily household activities you are no longer able to perform, including yard work, housecleaning and similar costs.
Get Help Dealing With Your Insurance Company
Our lawyers can help you through the process of filing a no-fault insurance claim. You don't need to struggle through the process alone while you're trying to recover from your injuries. Contact us here or call us for a free initial consultation at 248-584-1300 or toll free1-855-LISS-LAW to discuss your situation in the Southfield or Royal Oak area.
What To Do After A Car Accident
What To Do After A Michigan Car Accident

Even a minor car accident can leave you shaken. It may be difficult to think clearly about what to do after a car accident in Michigan, especially because people generally aren't in car accidents all that often. But the steps you take can help your insurance claims proceed more smoothly, and can potentially help you if you need to bring a lawsuit against the other driver.
Safety First
Immediately after an accident, the most important thing is to make sure you're safe. Check to see if you are injured or feel pain anywhere.
If at all possible, move your car to a safer space (out of traffic). If your accident took place on the highway, do not get out of your car, as you could be hit by passing traffic. Turn on your hazards to alert passing traffic.
Report The Accident
Call the police or, if necessary, 911 for emergency assistance. Having the accident on the record can help you later if you need to file a lawsuit. If you don't notify the authorities, there is no record to prove that the accident even happened.
Communicate With The Other Driver
Don't get into a fight, cast blame or say it was all your fault. Check to see if the other driver is okay. Exchange insurance information and contact information. Stay calm and focus on what's next rather than what just happened.
Document The Scene
If you can, take pictures of the damage to the cars, and also of the street where the accident took place. Also take pictures of signs or other landmarks that show where the accident took place. If there are any witnesses, get statements and contact information from them. All this information could be useful in building your case later.
Notify Your Insurance Company Immediately
Call your insurance company to report the accident. Prompt reporting can help hasten your claim. You may also need immediate towing assistance from your insurance company.
See A Doctor
If you have injuries or are experiencing pain after your accident, make sure to see a doctor as soon as possible and explain that you were in a car accident. It is important to go as soon as possible so that any injuries you sustained were a result of the accident, and did not occur or compound as a result of a later incident.
Contact Metro Detroit Car Accident Lawyer
If you anticipate heavy medical bills, if you were in a hit-and-run accident, and/or the person responsible for the accident has no insurance or inadequate insurance, you will need the help of a lawyer to fight for the compensation you deserve. Our attorneys are ready to help you get every penny you need to help you recover from your accident. Call us at 248-584-1300 or toll free 1-855-LISS-LAW for a free initial consultation in the Metro Detroit area, or use our Contact us form.
Recovering Lost Wages After A Car Accident
Lawyers For Recovering Lost Wages After A Michigan Car Accident

If you've been hurt in a car accident, dealing with your injuries — which could be potentially severe — is challenging enough. In the meantime, you may be watching your bills pile up and wondering who is going to pay for them. The costs of a hospital stay, surgeries and rehabilitation can add up quickly. On top of this, if you are unable to work because of your injuries, you also have to worry about lost wages. This is when you need an experienced lawyer who can make sure you receive all the compensation for lost wages that you deserve. At Liss, Shapero & Mitnick, we will fight for financial justice on your behalf so you can focus on healing. Call us at 248-584-1300 or toll free1-855-LISS-LAW to discuss recovering lost wages after a car accident in the Metro Detroit area.
No-Fault Wage Loss Benefit
As a part of your no-fault insurance, you are entitled to receive 85 percent of your salary (up to a defined limit) for a period of up to three years if you are unable to return to work after a car accident. Even if you were temporarily unemployed at the time of your accident, you are still eligible to receive benefits based on the income you were making at the last job before your accident.
Proof Of Injuries
You will need to be evaluated by at least one doctor who can verify the extent of your injuries in order to file for no-fault wage loss benefits. The doctor(s) will need to establish:
- The nature of your injuries
- Whether you are permanently or partially disabled and/or unable to work
- Whether you could return to work in any capacity
- The likely length of time that you will be unable to work
Proof Of Income
If your doctor(s) can show that you will be unable to return to work for a period of time, you will need to establish what your income had been before the accident. Your lost wages benefit will be set at 85 percent of your former wages. In order to verify your former salary, you may need to supply one or several of the following:
- Pay stubs from your past two months of employment
- Your most recent W2 form
- A written affidavit from an employer
Get Your Mind Off Your Bank Balance
One of our knowledgeable Oakland County attorneys at Liss, Shapero & Mitnick can help you work through the process of collecting lost wages when you are unable to return to work after an accident. You shouldn't have to endure financial ruin when someone else's negligence leaves you injured. Contact us Contact us or call us at 248-584-1300 or toll free1-855-LISS-LAW to arrange for a free initial consultation.
Paying Medical Bills After A Car Accident
Paying Medical Bills After A Michigan Car Accident

If it seems like an injustice that you've been in a car accident, just wait until the medical bills start rolling in. If your injuries were severe, you could be facing astronomical costs for surgeries, hospital stays, rehabilitation and other costs. At the same time, you may be out of work and losing income day by day. Michigan's no-fault insurance benefits help you pay your medical (and other) costs without having to go through the court system to sue the responsible driver. This system cuts down on potential delays and other hassles you might face if you had to sue the other driver for compensation.
One of our savvy no-fault insurance attorneys at Liss, Shapero & Mitnick can help you through the process of filing a claim. Call us for a free initial consultation at 248-584-1300 or toll free1-855-LISS-LAW to discuss options for paying medical bills after a car accident in the Metro Detroit area.
Who Picks Up The Check?
In Michigan, no-fault insurance is the first line of defense against potentially overwhelming medical bills you may incur after a serious car accident. If you max out your no-fault insurance plan, however, you may still be left with additional bills and costs to pay. In this situation, you will need to file a lawsuit against the responsible driver to pay any remaining costs. If the other driver has insurance, his or her insurance should pay these bills. However, in the case of a hit-and-run accident, or in a situation where the driver has no or inadequate insurance, your uninsured/underinsured driver insurance policy will pay up to a defined maximum. If you don't have this insurance, however, you will have to sue the other driver directly (if you know who it is), and face the possibility that that person does not have the funds to be of much help with your bills. When you work with us at Liss, Shapero & Mitnick, one of our lawyers will outline your options given your situation. We do everything in our power to secure the funds available to you to help pay your medical bills and move forward in your life.
Socked By Medical Bills In Michigan? Call Us.
Don't be burdened by medical bills while also shouldering the burden of injuries that someone else caused. We can help: Contact our office using the online form, or give us a call at 248-584-1300 or toll free 1-855-LISS-LAW for a free initial consultation.
Common Car Accident Injuries
Common Car Accident Injuries

There are lucky people who walk away from a car accident with nary a scratch. But car accidents can cause serious and life-threatening injuries, as well as low-grade pain that sticks around for the long term. If you've been hurt in a car accident in Oakland County, chances are you will need medical treatment for one or several of some of the more common car accident injuries, including:
- Head and neck injuries.Head trauma can range from mild concussion to catastrophic brain injury. A head injury caused by impact trauma can cause dangerous swelling, skull fracture or internal bleeding, all of which require immediate and potentially long-term treatment. The impact of a rear-end collision can also cause whiplash, a soft-tissue trauma caused when the head snaps back and forth beyond its normal range. Whiplash can vary in severity, with some cases resolving with conservative measures, and other cases causing long-term pain and discomfort that resists treatment.
- Back and spinal cord injuries.The force of a car crash can wreak havoc on the muscles and ligaments of the back, or cause slipped disks or vertebra fractures that can cause severe pain or immobility. Related injuries that bruise or damage the nerves of the spinal cord can cause injuries that range from painful pinched nerves to paralysis. Back and spine injuries sustained in a crash can be serious and are sometimes permanent. Even more minor back or spine injuries can require long-term care and treatment.
- Internal injuriesNot all car-accident-related injuries are visible. Internal injuries like broken ribs or bruised internal organs can be dangerous and life-threatening. Some injuries can cause internal hemorrhaging, which can be fatal.
- Facial injuries.Car crashes can cause facial or dental injuries from impact with an air bag or a steering wheel, dashboard or windshield. Injuries can range from bruising to lost teeth, broken facial bones or a broken jaw, possibly requiring reconstructive surgery.
- Emotional trauma.Even a minor car accident can cause a scare — a serious accident in which there were severe injuries or fatalities can cause ongoing psychological damage like PTSD, depression or anxiety issues.
Call Our Michigan Injury Lawyers To Find Out How We Can Help
We can't go back in time and prevent your accident, but we can help you get the maximum possible compensation so you can get proper medical care and time to heal. Call us today to set up a free initial consultation with an attorney at 248-584-1300 or toll free1-855-LISS-LAW. Or contact us online