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Michigan motorcycle accidents often prove deadly

Any type of motor vehicle accident can be devastating to the victims and their families. When the collision involves a motorcycle, the consequences of the crash can be far more dire, due to the reduced amount of protection that motorcycle drivers have in comparison to those traveling by car or truck. Two families in Michigan are experiencing that pain as they mourn the loss of two people involved in one of the state’s tragic motorcycle accidents.

The crash happened in the afternoon when a 19-year-old man was driving a rental truck on a state highway. Authorities say that he tried to make a left turn and struck a couple on a motorcycle, crossing their path. Emergency responders found that the couple had passed away before they arrived at the crash and could administer treatment. The young man driving the truck had only minor injuries.

Police are still investigating the circumstances of the crash. It is not known whether the two on the motorcycle were wearing helmets. No information on the state of the truck driver being released, such as whether alcohol may have been a factor in the crash. Once authorities have completed an analysis of the accident, charges may be filed; but at this time there has been no mention of that possibility by police.

If it is determined that the young man was responsible for this crash, the families of the victims may decide to bring a civil suit against him. A successful claim might offer the families some financial compensation that could be useful in covering any unpaid medical expenses, funeral bills or other costs that may have resulted from the incident. Motorcycle accidents here in Michigan similar to this one are unfortunate no matter the circumstances, and the families affected have ways to see that those responsible are held accountable for their actions.

Source:, "Two dead after Ryder truck allegedly collides with motorcycle in Ishpeming", , June 5, 2014

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