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Man awaits sentencing in one of Michigan's truck accidents

Most Michigan residents know that semi-trucks are a vital part of the economy. They are needed to transport goods into and out of the state. Though they are necessary, they can often be involved in motor vehicle accidents since they are so often traveling on the nation's roads. Truck accidents can be particularly devastating due to the large size of the vehicle in comparison to the much smaller cars that it is likely to encounter. Last year, one such truck accident took the life of one man and the accused driver now awaits sentencing after being found guilty of causing the crash.

The accident happened on a state highway when authorities say a semi-truck driver failed to heed warnings of an approaching work zone. Several vehicles were stopped for a signal and authorities say that the truck driver struck the last car in the line. One man inside the car died and his wife was injured in the collision. Other motorists in other vehicles were also injured.

It does not appear that the semi-truck driver was impaired in any way. Police charged him with reckless driving and he pleaded guilty, admitting that he did not pay attention to signs that cautioned drivers of the work zone. Sentencing has not occurred at this time and there have been no announcements of any pending lawsuits that any of the victims may decide to pursue.

If any of the victims involved in this crash, or the family of the man who died, decided to bring a civil suit against the truck driver, it could result in monetary compensation. Money from a successful suit could be used to offset any costs that may have resulted from the accident, such as medical bills, funeral costs, lost wages and other expenses. Truck accidents like this one here in Michigan should never happen, but families need to know their options if such a tragedy happens to them.

Source:, Mendon truck driver involved in fatal accident enters guilty plea, Scott Aiken, Feb. 19, 2014

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